Lyrics Casey Jones

Casey Jones

Sugar Coated And Deep Fried

What gives you rights*

To have a voice for someone else and take away their choices on

Life, sex, love, lust

Your ignorance is tucked away in a crust of shit based on lies and

Books of hate, sexism, homophobia, racism

A past of rape, past of greed, murder, torture, theft and perversion

Oh you fucking bigots!

How could you praise a kitty fucking group of men that tell you how your sins

as they fuck, as they suck

As they dance away so free living in your own country

How could you be afraid of change and want everyone to be the same

How could you be afraid of change and want everyone to be the same

If there's a hell

Then you'll burn, motherfucker

Motherfucker... "ye bro".