Lyrics Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens

O Caritas

Hunc ornatum mundi

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Omnia res

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Nune extinguitur

Mund(i) et astrorum lamen

Nune concipitur

Mali hominis crimen

Tristetat(e) et lacrimis

Gravis est dolor

De terraeque maribus

Magnus est clamor

O caritas, O caritas

Nobis semper sit amor

Mos perituri mortem salutamus

Sola resurgit vita

Ah, this world is burning fast

Oh, the world will never last

I don't want to lost it here in my time

Give me time forever here in my time.

(I don't want to lose the harmony of the universe

I see all things... burning, I hear men... shouting.

Now is the light of the world and the stars going out

Now does the blame for the disaster fall upon men.

Grief is heavy with sadness and tears

Great is the noise from the earth and the seas

O love, O love be with us always.

We who will perish salute death. Life alone goes on.)