Lyrics Collective Soul

Collective Soul

Precious Declaration

Hitched a ride to the peaceful side of town

Then proceeded where thieves were no longer found

Can't crash now I've been waiting for this

Won't crash now I've found some encouragement


Precious Declaration Reads

Yours is yours and mine you leave alone now

Precious Declaration says

I belive all hope is dead no longer

Break: Eb(4x)

New meanings to the words I feed upon

Wake within my veins elements of freedom

Can't break now I've been living for this

Won't break now I'm cleansed with hopefulness



Once I jumped through hoops of fire

High and far as you require

I was blind but now I see

Salvation has discovered me

Chorus (2x)

That's just about it. Sorry that this isn't a better transcription, but I just didn't have time to get it any better than that. I'll have a TAB for you pretty soon. For corrections, misprints and good knock-knock jokes, my E-Mail is: Please address all mail on the subject line as "Joel Parks".

Have fun!!!!



by Collective Soul

From the album: Disciplined Breakdown

Tabbed by Fish a.k.a. Perry Ghioureliotis

To start off, if you want to play along with the CD, you have to

tune your guitar down half a step. It's not a very difficult song

to play. The hardest part is that awesome killer riff that starts

off the song and occurs at different places throughout. Well here

it is, enjoy!

Drums enter then guitar one starts of with the following riff:

Riff 1







An alternate way of playing this if your distortion tends to get

muddy with the open strings ringing is like this:







Guitar one plays this riff twice on it's own and is then joined

by guitar 2 and played twice more. After that the first verse


The verses are a combination of a muted G power chord and Riff 1


G Riff 1 (twice)

Hitched a ride to the peaceful side of town

G Riff 1 (twice)

Then longer found

The prechourus has a couple of clean or slightly distorted guitars

plus the lead (which is not tabbed). Open chords sound best here.

The C chord is actually a Cadd9, it sounds better with the Cadd9


Can't crash now I've been waiting for this

Won't crash now I found some encouragement

In the chourus, the guitars become distorted again. More

power chords here


Precious declaration reads yours

is mine you leave alone now

Precious declaration says I

believe all hope is dead no longer

The only other part different from the above parts is the bridge

which is just distorted power chords


Once I jumped through hoops of fire

High and far as you required

I was blind but now I see

Salvation has discovered me

The rest of the song is just repeats of the above sections.

Listen to the song, they are to figure out. I've been working

on the leads a little. If any one has sugestions for them maybe

you could post them or add them to this file.