Lyrics Disharmonic Orchestra

Disharmonic Orchestra

I Hyperact

Sometimes I hyperact

At least behaviours indicate

That something's not intact

Concerning habits that relate

To lack of understanding

It doesn't matter for your part

But I still try to handle

My surplus energy - that's hard

I'm watching your movements

It appears so strange to me

All actions - slow motion

These images I see

Maybe I'm more than acting hyperly

I am surrounded by a floppy lethargy

Organizing facts

Order nice in fact

All I make

Speed of dream is low

Not until I know

That I'm awake

Try to pass my time

Try another rhyme

Pencils brake

Hard to hold a move

I can never prove

What it takes

Puddle in my mind

In another kind

A bigger lake

Reorganizing facts

Reorderd nice in fact

Speed up to my dimension