Lyrics Indigo Girls

Indigo Girls

Philosophy of Loss

Welcome to why the church has died

In the heart of the exiled in the kingdom of hate

Who owns the land & keeps the commands

And marries itself to the state

Modern scribes write in Jesus Christ

Everyone is free

And the doors open wide to all straight men & women

But they are not open to me

And who is teaching kids to be soldiers

To be marked by a plain white cross

And we kill just a little to save a lot more

The philosophy of loss

There are a few who would be true out of love

And love is hard

And don't think that our hands haven't shoveled the dirt

Over their central American graveyards

Doctors & witch hunters stripped you bare

Left you nothing for your earthly sins

Yeah but who made this noise just a bunch of boys

And the one with the most toys wins

Who is teaching kids to be gamblers

Life is a coin toss

And of course what you give up is what you gain

The philosophy of loss

Whatever has happened to anyone else

Could happen to you & to me

And the end of my youth was the possible truth

That it all happens randomly

Who is teaching kids to be leaders

and the way that it is meant to be

the philosophy of loss