Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann was looking for a mand

Who'd propose and take her hand, Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann was from the Victorian

Era that was very grand, Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann (she) had a family plan

To have children with her man, Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann achived her family plan

Having children with her man, oh Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann took out insurance plans

On her children and her man, oh Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann then took up poisoning

To collect insurance scams, Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann poisoned her kids and her man

Then moved on to start a new family plan

Mary Ann used poison again and again

To repeat her evil scam, Mary Ann

Mary Ann, Mary Ann (she) got into a jam

Caught poisoning her children and herman

Mary Ann's poison hands were convicted and condemned

Mary's execution wasn't in her plan