85 Videos

We talk so much

And I feel like I know you

You say what it costs

And I play and define you

Oh God

Don't care so much

For a start leave it out

Are we decided? Decided?

Or leaving out too much?

We don't have time, let it go

These 85 videos

With broken eyes

Time flows and never flies

We don't have time, let it go

These 85 videos

It makes me sad

Of no use

Angel, I found you

In the drifting lights

In the drifting lights

Oh angel

I'll find you

Should have known you'd side

With the drifting lights

I'm most sincere when I'm talking to strangers

They somehow appear in my hour of defenselessness

We don't have time, let it go

These 85 videos

With broken eyes

Time flows and never flies

We don't have time, let it go

These 85 videos

We'll white-out their views

Of no use

On the passing them both

Like it, I'm the cold

Something I know

Has joined along

Time through

Take it out

No sleep

Only when you stop

Time to deceive ain't up

On the passing them both

Like it, I'm the cold

Something I know

Has joined along

Time through

Angel, I found you

In the drifting lights

In the drifting lights

Oh angel

I'll find you

Should have known you'd side

With the drifting lights

Oh angel