Lyrics mewithoutYou


Dying Is Strange and Hard

I have my pictures of you, you don't look back at me

A smile I'd almost forgotten, bruises I don't see

Never forgive you for a sky turned from gray to black

Come out and kiss me, darling

I promise I'll kiss you back.

A new head on my shoulder,

A needle in my ear

Every kind word brings new pain

Instead of my eyes,

Her reflection in the mirror.

I have a sickness, but I'm not the only one

Even in health ...

In each other's arms, they're wasting away

Sickened just as I am and crippled with disease

A song comes from above

I look up -- there's a tree and a small brown bird

Even the sparrows have built a nest

But we, poor fools, have built nothing

What a shame not to know that you're dying

Tell us we're dying, tell us again.

I have a sickness

The sparrows built a nest

My crippled, twisted body is swallowed by the earth

As my broken head finds rest.