Lyrics of Montreal

of Montreal

Partizan Terminus

So we've been clinging to us, one hand on the edge

Shit, don't you think I know this planet is an orphanage?

Deep abandonment issues at our core

But if not each other, what the hell else do we have to

really live for, my love?

I gave my second heart, my second youth to you

What do you think it will feel like if we're really


And you stay here, I'll find a new home

Death like Holiday City, in vacant cinemas all alone

I don't know if all the magic is gone

But we can rediscover each other, I mean, is it really so

crazy to believe?

Or we could change this trip to one night

If we could just forgive each other for, you know, being

each other

And then we'll...

We'll be shocked like, what happened?

Well go ahead and shock me, what happened? What happened?

How's it all happening now

Like we thought our thing was dead but

Here are all the stained glass ornaments getting all

smashed overhead