Lyrics Paddy and the Rats

Paddy and the Rats

Drunker Than You

Just go and fuck yourself my friend

I'm crapulous, don't talk to me, I'll fight

I drank a lot, I hate my whiskey

But yours I like

If you want me, you find me

Right here at the bar

Just wait until I have finished this jar

Hypocrites and conformists

I hate you all you bore me to death

I'll always be an anarchist

I'm shittin in my nest

If you want me, you find me

In your bed with your wife

I tell you man her ass is pretty alright

Don't put my hands up

That's not my attitude

I'm not gonna think now

I will just do, do, do…

My mind is messed up

I can't follow the rules

Tonight I'm gonna drink

Until I'm drunker than you

Just go and fuck yourself my friend

I'm crapulous, don't talk to me, I'll fight

I drank a lot, I hate my whiskey

But yours I like

If you want me you find me

Right here at the bar

Just wait until I have finished this jar

You're always fuckin' arrogant

You're judging me, you're better than the mass

But I think you're only too afraid

You're fuckin' middle-classed

You're not the crazy as I am

So you don't like me

I keep me out you're mediocrity

I don't regret anything

Because at the time

It was what I wanted

It was not thought a crime

If you want me, you find me

Right at the bar

Just wait until I have finished this jar