I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time

I'm writing you, my dear,

Just to tell you,

In September, you remember

'Neath the old apple tree

You whispered to me

When it blossomed again, you'd be mine.

I've waited until I could claim you,

I hope I've not waited in vain.

For when it's spring in the valley,

I'm coming, my sweetheart, again!

I'll be with you in apple blossom time,

I'll be with you to change your name to mine.

One day in May

I'll come and say:

"Happy the bride the sun shines on today!"

What a wonderful wedding there will be,

What a wonderful day for you and me!

Church bells will chime

You will be mine

In apple blossom time.

I'll be with you in apple blossom time,

I'll be with you to change your name to mine.

One day in May

I'll come and say:

"Happy the bride the sun shines on today!"

What a wonderful wedding there will be,

What a wonderful day for you and me!

Church bells will chime

You will be mine

In apple blossom time.