Lyrics 2 Live Crew

2 Live Crew

Banned in the U.S.A.

[Government of the people]

[For the people]

[By the people]

News reporter:

Earlier today in Broward County, appalling court

judges upheld the previous

ruling to ban the sale of Miami rap group the 2 Live Crew's

double-platinum album, "Nasty As They Wanna Be," in Broward County.

"We think it's the banning of free speech. First Amendment protects

material, resultably."

Luke (being interviewed):

"We don't talk about, uh, harrassing and sexually brutalizing women in

my music, man!"

"We don't do that in my music, man! I'm tired of you saying that!"

Verse 1: Fresh Kid Ice

We've got white-collar people trying to grab our style

Saying we're too nasty and we're 2 Live

Corrupted politicians playing games

Bringing us down to boost their fame

They must be joking thinking we will fall

But they're like flies movin' the wall

We stand tall from beginning to end

With the help from fans and all our friends

Freedom of speech will never die

For us to help, our ancestors died

Don't keep thinking that we will quit

We'll always stand and never sit

We're 2 live, 2 black, 2 strong

Doing the right thing, and not the wrong

So listen up, y'all, to what we say

We won't be banned in the U.S.A.!


"Luke's concerts are for adults"

Luke (being interviewed):

"If it's an adult show you have to be 18"

"Our record is a year old, but with all the publicity, there's a lot of

people ... curiosity is around!"

"We're selling records to a totally different audience."

"I take a precaution that nobody else has not stickered my album, I made

TWO versions"

Verse 2: Brother Marquis

The First Amendment gave us freedom of speech

So what you sayin'? It didn't include me?

I like to party and have a good time

There's nothin' but pleasure written in our rhyme

I know you don't think we'll ever quit

We've got some people on our side who won't take your lip

We're gonna do all the things we wanna do

You can't stand to see a brother get as rich as you

This is the 90s and we're conin' on strong

Sayin' things and doin' things that you're sayin's wrong

Wisen up, 'cause on Election Day,

We'll see who's banned in the U.S.A.!

[The United States of America]

[Government of the people]

[The United States of America]

[For the people]

[The United States of America]

[By the people]

[By the people]

Luke (being interviewed):

"The show in Hollywood, that was for 21-and-over people, they had police

out there, cars of the people coming in the club, and they still

arrested us for performing in front of adults!"

Luke's speech:

What is this?? Is this not America? This is not China! This is not

Russia! This is not the place where they brought down the wall, this is

America! We have the right to say what we want to say, we have the right

to do what we want to do, and what I do in my house,

you might not do in your house!

So what I do in my house is my business! And the simple fact

of it all is that we are BONDED by the First Amendment! We have the

freedom of EXPRESSION! We have the freedom of CHOICE! And you,

Chinese, black, green, purple, Jew,

YOU have the right to listen to whoever

you want to, and even the 2 Live Crew! So all you right-wingers, left-

wingers, bigots, Communists, there IS a place for you in this world!

Because this is the land of the FREE, the home of the BRAVE! And 2 Live

is what we are!