Lyrics Aaron Tippin

Aaron Tippin

He Believed

e'd say can't never could do nothin'

And weights what broke the wagon

There ain't no fence between right or wrong

Sometimes you gotta fight if you wanna get along

You better stand up when that flag gets raised

Or down on your knees when it's time to pray

But the greatest thing about him to me

Was the fact that he believed

He believed in the good Lord above

A straight shootin rifle and the power of love

He believed in why the blood was shed

And if he couldn't be free he'd rather be dead

And to never give up on your dreams

But most of all yeah most of all he believed in me

Well he had his own opinion

About the world and its condition

Spare the rod spoil the child

You'll reap what you sow if you let it grow wild

You just gotta deal with the hand you're dealt

Never give up and you'll never really fail

But the greatest thing about dad to me

Was the fact that he believed

Oh and just because of him I know who I am today

And just because of that I know where he's gone to stay