The Nuremberg Code

I hate this place more, get me floored

Abject failure, familiar

My eyes are sore

Mistakes in the course of what's worth living for

Poster child for cerebral palsy

Heartfelt concerns nauseate

Use me for this vivisection

It's not entirely too late

Experiments are necessary

Deforming, living surgery

Anesthesia, likely not to benefit

More generally, ending the suffering

I hope I never...

I hope I never come back...

I am not self-conscious at all

Only here as means to an end

I will not be self conscious at all

I am only here as a means to an end

This end is man... (4x)

Use this body for vivisection

Sensible to pain, no affection

Of pity, certain things savoring of cruelty

To cut up alive, involving dissection

Call it what you will

Remove my eyes, I'm sick of vision

Life lived black and still

Kill my mind, it's my decision

My consent, my own will

I can't reason – I can't speak – Only, Will I suffer... here (2x)

Various chemical substances injected in me

Stick around, when it goes down, it's something to see

Beat my legs with hammers and then smash in my knees

The only way to cure this shit depression disease

Don't feel bad, it's all I have, it's something I need

Let me be for a while... Let me be forever

The broken dreams of a child... Let me be the never

Herophilos - Six hundred dead – Experiments are necessary – This has always been

I'm losing sight; I've lost the state of mind...

Torture Board Death Chamber – Lab Rat Cart Racing

Scientific Merit Ethically Defended

The cutting of or operation, While I'm wide awake

An Investigation, For Physiological and Pathological

Minute or Pitiless Examination