Keep An Eye On Dan

I know that this shouldn't be

A traumatic event, but it is

And I feel so bad

My little boy looks so happy

He throws me his "go-mummy" kiss

And he loves his dad

And I've loved him too

Maybe I still do

But, it's over

Keep an eye on Dan

Promise me you can

He gets out of hand if you let him

So keep an eye on Dan

And don't forget

I'll be back at on Sunday to get him

So keep an eye on Dan

Certain that I'm out of sight

I pull over and turn off the car

And I bang the wheel

I can't believe that I've actually

Held it together this far

Seeing how I feel

But I said good-bye

And I did not cry

Though my heart ached

Keep an eye on Dan

Promise me you can

He gets out of hand if you let him

So keep an eye on Dan

And don't forget

I'll be back at seven on Sunday to get him

I, I think he must have lost some weight

Funny how it takes me back to our first date

So keep an eye on Dan

Keep an eye on Dan

You're a loving man

Make an effort not to upset him

Just keep an eye on Dan

And don't forget

I'll be back on Sunday to get him

So keep an eye on Dan