Ruinrama Kolossal S.P.Q.R.

[Music: Nysrok, Lyrics: Angy, April 2005]

[Fabban Latin chorus:]

Nihil Morte Certium!

Nihil Morte Certium!



Liturgical chemical Psalm

Martyr crucified Plasma

Propeller ov insects/screens

Converter ov tubular engine

Valvular mechanism: infested!

Globular filters: meshed!

Under exposed organic trasmutation

Ensnared-enslaved-enshrouded-corroded flesh

Stench ov God, clinical deceit ov a doctrine

Proudly falling in transmission closedown

Ecstatic diving in heretical channel

Deeply drowning in the void ov disturbance

Stifling cells stun the structure

Myriad ov foresights on cosmic cross

Brimstone-ferrous breath near putrefying sweat

Decrepit denied humans play ground

The magic disposal: no order above borders

Magnetic axis invokes rusted nails

Inhale the sulphur - declare the virus

Optical restless disgust, The onward travel - a transcendent discover

Enraptured altered state - undefined measure: defined

Infinite drifting towards no land

Unbearable weight ov chains to dim

Craving for acid rains in oxidized veins

Decrepit denied humans play ground

The magic disposal: no order above borders

Magnetic axis invokes rusted nails

(falling into the acid-hell, screamings and drunky vocals by CultoCulus)