Lyrics Absurd Minds

Absurd Minds


Waking) Here I am

(Sleeping) Here I am

(Dreaming) Here I am

(Waking,Sleeping,Dreaming) Here I am

Always I was here now I speak to you

Just have no fear

You don't know how much

You miss by not knowing yourself

Do you run the risk?

Here is the self that speaks

To you and will never fade away

Here is the self that speaks

To you and will never fade away

Here I am

Here I am

Here I am

Here I am

They are the three states


In which the one's aware

The common fact:

I am,

This feeling's there

The world is like a sheet of paper

on which something's typed

the meaning and the reading

will vary with the reader

All is the self, all is myself

all is you and yours there's nobody else

I am one and appear as many

I am one and appear as many

Here is the self that speaks

To you and will never fade away

Here is the self that speaks

To you and will never fade away