Lyrics Across The Sun

Across The Sun

Pestilence & Rapture

Since the dawn of creation

Mankind has been hexed

Constantly torn by forces

Beyond comprehension

The endless struggle

Of pestilence and rapture

They will be heaven sent

Or hell bound

Each with equal intention

Bribing the subconscious

Waging war for control

Manipulation their ambition

From the womb we are mere targets

For earthly free radicals

Shifting shape as they see fit

To compensate for no escape

Steadfast with your convictions

Seek out that which brings obliteration

Utilize each with positive force

A Taoist approach will mean harmony

Now among the enlightened

Rising above

Regardless of the challenge

Transitions with ease

What once destroyed the spirit

Is of no consequence

Falling back to the point

Of no return

Deceivingly simple

Focus, restrain the weakness

You have found a higher power

Pestilence and rapture

Battles within us

Seeking to destroy

The choice must be made now