Lyrics Adrian Belew

Adrian Belew


Now til you ain't ready in yo head

It makes no difference whether you have hip problems

some of you'all listen to me right now your hurtin in

your hips

it makes no difference if your hurtin in your shoulder

some of you'all listen to me right now you have ache'n

in your shoulder

some of you'all listen to me right now you have ache'n

in your neck

just can't turn your neck around your neck is bothering


some of you'all listen to me right now you cannot even

lift your arm

cause you have ache'n in your arms

some of ya'll listen to me right now you've been

sufferin with stomach trouble

some of ya'll listen to me right now you have mental


some of ya'lllisten to me right now you have headaches

head is hurtin all the time, I don't care what you do,

what you turn to

whatcha take, your head is still bothering you

not only that there my children some of you'all have


achin in the bones, some of ya'll achin in the ear

bones, achin in the knee bone, achin in the neck, achin

in the shoulder, ain't that right about

some of ya'll is jus...have feet problems, cant walk,

cant get around

some of ya'll have that pocket book trouble, and when

you got that pocketbook trouble

baby you got a whole lot of trouble, oh yes!

heart problems

high blood

low blood

head full of dandruff

bald headed

hair breakin off... fallin out

too many headaches