
The source of splendour in forms manifold

In whom the fathomless arcana turn aglow

Eosphoros - The brightest heavenly eye

Each tempest of doubt His grandeur makes subside

All aeons entwine for He did arise

The flame that without loss endlessly devides

Like the sharpest sword is His unchallenged blaze

That cuts from our way the cobweb of restraint

Heralds, disciples and serpents we are

The object and the channel for His powers

Driven forth by the undying lust

To surpass the frailties of ours

And to go beyond every Ring-pass-not

The true wisdom besmeared in black

Waiting to be once unravelled

By the insightful and the daring

To be finally discovered

Whereas He is the circle, we are at the center

Too abstract to be defined, too concrete to be denied

All aeons entwine for He did arise

The flame that without loss endlessly devides

You call Him Satan, the prince of darkness and death

We call Him Satan, the eternal fountain of strength

Whereas He is the circle, we are at the center

Too abstract to be defined, too concrete to be denied