Out On The Farm

It might do you harm

Hanging around this farm

We got things that infect

Things we can't shake and a rep

Oh it might seem mean

All your starry eyed dreams

Will come true but my friend

Somethings haunting them

And so what we made

Was mediocre and brave

We tried hard but see

Isolation breeds that beast

Out on the farm on my worst days

I just hang my hat and I watch them graze

All happy and dumb of what's to come

But I get so bored out on this killing floor

Should we ford the stream

To the other dream

Break the bank see what we're worth


Or start all over again

Make this farm our friend?

Put the broken beasts our of their misery

Knowing what we know

Instead of what we hate

Do we hang our hats

And just let it be?