Lyrics Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Rainbow Tour


People of Europe, I send you the Rainbow of Argentina


Spain has fallen to the charms of Evita

She can do what she likes, it doesn't matter much

She's our lady of the new world with a golden touch

She filled a bull-ring, forty-five thousand seater

But if you're prettier than General Franco, that's not hard

Franco's reign in Spain should see out the forties

So you've just acquired an ally who

Looks as secure in his job as you

But more important current political thought is

Your wife's a phenomenal asset, your trump card

(Peron and officers:)

Let's hear it for the Rainbow Tour

It's been an incredible success

We weren't quite sure, we had a few doubts

Will Evita win through?

(Peron and officers:)

But the answer is yes

There you are, I told you so

Makes no difference where she goes

The world over just the same

Just listen to them call her name

And who would underestimate the actress now?


Now I don't like to spoil a wonderful story

But the news from Rome isn't quite as good

She hasn't gone down like they thought she would

Italy's unconvinced by Argentine glory

They equate Peron with Mussolini, can't think why


Did you hear that? They called me a whore!

They actually called me a whore!

(Italian admiral:)

But Signora Peron it's an easy mistake

I'm still called an admiral

Yet I gave up the sea long ago


More bad news from Rome, she met with the Pope

She only got a rosary, a kindly word

I wouldn't say the Holy Father gave her the bird

But papal decorations never had hope???????

She still look upon St. Peter's???????, caught the eye


(Peron and officers:) But the answer is ...

(Che:) A qualified

(Peron and officers:) Yes


Eva started well, no question, in France

Shining like a sun through the post-war haze

A beautiful reminder of the carefree days

She nearly captured the French, she sure had the chance

But she suddenly seemed to lose interest

She looked tired


Face the facts, the Rainbow's starting to fade

I don't think she'll make it to England now


It wasn't on the schedule anyhow


You'd better get out the flags and fix a parade

Some kind of coming home in triumph is required

(chorus, substituting "Would" for "Will")

And the answer is yes

And no, and yes, and no, and yes


(chorus, substituting "Would" for "Will")

But the answer is yes, yes, yes