Lyrics Andrew Peterson

Andrew Peterson

Loose Change

I'd give you all of me to know what you were thinking

And if I had one wish I'd wish I wasn't sinking here

Drowning in this well

Oh can't you tell

That I can't pick myself up off the ground

I've been face down

And pushed aside

Well, you know I'd rather just turn tail and run

Than lie here in the sun

And watch you pass me by

'Cause I ain't worth a dime

But if only I could stand up straight

I wouldn't have to lie and wait

I could up and roll away

And never be ignored

I've got a feeling that I'm something more

Than just a piece of copper ore

Turning green and looking for

The reason I was born

Well, I've been around since 1974

In banks and bottom drawers

On railroad ties

I've been passed around and cast aside

And skipped and flipped and flattened wide

Spun around and thrown away and left alone to lie


But I heard about a penny found

Lying underneath the couch

By a woman who was kneeling down

Looking for some change

Then the woman danced around

Called her friends all over town

Told 'em what was lost is found

It's another penny saved

So I find that all this time

Beneath the surface, I could shine

Like all the gold a king and queen could measure

See, even just a penny is a treasure