Lyrics Ani DiFranco

Ani DiFranco

To the Teeth

The sun is setting on the century

and we armed to the teeth

we're all working together now

to make our lives mercifully brief

schoolkids keep trying to teach us

what guns are all about

confuse liberty with weaponry

and watch your kids act it out

every year now like christmas

some boy gets the milkfed suburban blues

reaches for the available arsenal

and saunters off to make the news

and the women in the middle

arelearning what poor women have always known

that the edge is closer than you think

whe your men bring the guns home

Look at where the profits are

that's how you'll find the source

of the big lie that you and I

both know so well

in the time it take this cultural

death with to run its course

they're gonna make a pretty penny

and then they're all going ot hell

he said the chickens all come home to roost

yeah malcolm forecasted this flood

are we really gonna sleep through another century

while the rich profit off our blood?

true it may take some doing

to see this undoing through

but in my humble opinion

here's what I suggest we do

Open fire on hollywood

open fire on MTV

open fire on NBC

and CBS and ABC

open fire on the NRA

and all the lies they told us

along the way

open fire on each weapons manufacturer

while he's giving head

to some republican senator

And if I hear one more time

about a fool's right

to his tools of rage

I'm gonna take all my friends

and I'm gonna move to canada

and we're gonna die of old age