Lyrics Annihilator


Never, Neverland

["No not 'Alison hell' part 2!

Yes, another gloomy subject!

Yet another true story!

This is about an unfortunate young girl

Who was locked in a room for half a decade

Just for looking at a boy in a grocery store!

Her guardian, also her grandmother

Felt that the only way

She could protect her granddaughter

From the 'evils and temptations' in the world

Was to confine her to her room 'till eternity.

There is, however, a rather happy end to all this When, during the middle of the song

The police/social workers storm the house

And free the girl from her mental/physical captivity.

She is now on the bright road to recovery

Whilst nanny finds her new home in the sanitarium.

Ps. Clare is a doll!"]

My room is full of toys and things

But filled with nothing new

Just me and clare alone in this

Enchanted, placid room

It's saturday and no more school

There hasn't been for years

She says we're here forever

Till eternity

Our solitude has been disturbed

Clare hold on, don't flee

With open arms they call my name

"oh won't you come with me?"

Get back, back!

Just leave us all alone

Take that and that!

I'll break your every bone

Get back, back!

Just leave us all alone

Take that and that!

I'll break your every bone

Blacking out, poisoned

Colours now decay

Drifting off to never, neverland

Please don't take me away

To never, neverland

No, to the neverland

Time has passed and now I see

What I've lived through

I've got no fears that match the hate

That came from you

It's saturday, I've things to do

I wish you all the best

Now I leave your placid room

Enjoy eternal rest