
The fabric of a dream dissolved, or so it seemed

in the waking light

Exchangeable goodbye

Go on, catch your flight

It's been a privilege

Did we shake hands?

Well, mine were shaking still with the passing

of the last cars of the train

And then the lesser half remained

I surely hope we forged a lasting chain...

That simple, sober style...

Be careful of that smile cause you might hurt someone

And it can't be made undone

Like snow before the sun, or backspace in a message

if you will

The pain residing still

We are so much alike, you and I

Do you know that you radiate like in real life

when visualised by my third eye?

Or even more so

And though we live in different time zones

There is no doubt we are somehow synchronised

Like synchronised minds

Shall we keep this pure and mutual, and ban amorous

spoilers from the game?

'Cause It'd be such a shame...

The tragedy of synchro-minds

may amplify a thousand times

I want to see this through

You know as I do that the unity of synchro-minds

stretches over a thousand miles

don't you feel blue?

I'll be joining you so soon