Paint Me Red

Little miss J likes to fuck

Like in a painting

Destroying fine art

Little miss J isn't quite like

Other girls at all

Little miss J puts her soul

Inside a letter

Destroying fine art

She is hurting herself so bad

Destroying, destroy

Picture perfect

Picture black

Little miss J

Can I come in and play?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Another dark day

Can you help me miss J?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Little miss J has a certain

Taste for chaos

Destroying fine art

Little miss J always tends

To find a way to fall

Little miss J cannot take

The shit shes given

Destroying fine art

She is fading away so fast

Destroying, destroy

Picture perfect

Picture black

Little miss J

Can I come in and play?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Another dark day

Can you help me miss J?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Running out of colors

Running out of light

I run

I run

Running out of time

Running out of here

Running out of sight

Running out of fear

I run

I run as fast as I can

Little miss J

Can I come in and play?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Another dark day

Can you help me miss J?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Little miss J

Can I come in and play?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red

Another dark day

Can you help me miss J?

Cut my skin

Make me perfect

Paint me red