
Sunk into a beautiful dream

Longer than ive ever been

it is so cool and pleasant

i wish this would never end

i feel warm and comfortable

Eeven a nice tickling inside of me

Never had this kind of sensations

Its like dreaming with my open eyes

But something weird is going on

It is so real

For some reason i cant move

Im inside a coffin!!

I ignore why i am here

Perhaps a catatonic state

My family though i was dead

For how long have i been here?

Now i know what those ticklers are

And that warm feeling

Worms aer nibbling at my entrails

Im being eaten alive!!

I want to scream but i have no strength

My lungs are completely devooured

I think my only living organ is my brain

Perhaps they're saving it for dessert

I dont know what i did during my life

To deserve such a painful death

My silent screams of agony

Are tortured moans, music for the worms

I can evil smell the stench

Of my own decomposing organs

My arms and legs have disappeared

Soon my corpse will be no more


