
An age wihout fire = An age without meaning

No stains in their hands, still guiding to the purpose

They turn the wheel of life, new sparks are flying

Spinning to distance and nearer to the reality.

In the place of our destroyed sacred woods

does the new arson lighten the starry night

Its flames strike high above,

breaking the surface of the self-proclaimed sanctity

The crystal globe of sky does crack,

greater perfectness beyond...

The power of Satan's flame does burn

stronger in our hearts

With awe and wonder will be remembered

this time of re-illumination

For all that is done and sacrified only strengthen us.

worshippers of the black cult

Us, the children of the Goat, before the bare throne

Everburning are the flames of hell, which strike the sky.

An empty room is full of life and spirit at last

In the farthest corner the unholy altar,

beginning place of the rituals

Fiery altar, fiery cross,

a mass of the Serpent has begun

It leads my soul towards perfectness

and never-dying flame