
A decree went out from Caesar

Let the people be numbered

Each in the town of his birth

Let the people obey

A young couple came

To the city of David

She gave birth to the Son of the Lord

In a manger He lay

Jesus of Nazareth

God's only Son

He gave his life as our Saviour

Our lives have only begun

The Son of God; the Son of man

Christ Messiah

Miracles flowed from His hands

But His message was love

He chose twelve from thousands

To witness His teaching

For He knew that He soon must return

To His Father above

Thirty pieces of silver

And Judas betrayed Him

They crcuified Christ on a cross

Where everybody could see

He died to pay for our sin

And our salvation is free know

"Eternal life is God's gift to the world

If you believe in Me