Children of technocracy invoke synthetic spirits

Plastic crosses choke perspiring necks

MAAT - I cast dices, but curtain of future is still hermetic closed

Rise! Rise up my Soror, and you, my Father -

High! Towards the stars when the white fire

Which purifies and melts all false sacrament

Ashes' power equal thousands suns

Mysterys' structures are like chaos of known

Objectivism is subjective mandala of reality

Fractals - flaming spaces consume ego's order

Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos


Illumination in the face of thousand faces

Gnosis obtained by descending into the tunnels of self - knowing

When thunders of ecstasy strike black waves of unconscious sea

I swim, float, drift, scream... "Aiwasss"

And barriers of self change in legion of escaping bats


Lam is an "Extra-Terrestial" Intelligence with whom Aleister Crowley

entered into contact in 1919 e.v. It was during that year that Crowley

executed and exhibited the drawing of Lam in Greenwich Village, New York.

Work with Lam and other supra-human Intelligences has a its consequence

the widening and deepending of human consciousness, and the penetration

of awareness into other dimensions. Each magician who works on self-realisation

becomes both a focus of energy on earth and a projection of a star in space.