Please Don't Talk About Murder While I'm Eating

You're the first one to get there

And always the last one to leave

You're the first one to chuckle

But the last one to grieve

I know all too well the world takes a daily beating

Please don't talk about murder while I'm eating

You walk into the temple

And call it a church

I try to keep things simple

But you always need the works

Your life is marked by numbers and symbols

Excessive drinking from out of golden thimbles

Just a moment of silence I'm needing

So let's not talk about murder while I'm eating

You get all hot and bothered

At the strangest times and places

But don't notice the looks on all the other faces

You're dressed for summer in the middle of december

What you've all but forgotten

I painfully remember

I don't care in the least what you're reading

Please don't talk about murder while I'm eating