Phantom of Aleppoville
No more nonsense!
And no sensitivities!
We will leave you alone!
We won't let you die!
O leave me or love me,
O leave me or help me
Leave me alone!
Billy the bully, come on out of your hideout
Billy the bully, it's alright
Been forgiven, come on out Zacchaeus,
Come on down from your sick amour tree
Where guns sing, roses are found dancing
For me, the difference between love and hate
Weights the same difference
Between risotto and rice pudding
And the difference between a dog and stranger,
Weights the same difference
Between a child and their bully
Some say they know why you bully me, I laugh O
For I know that you know that we will never know why
They keep the bullying, so Billy
Find the balance!
Find the balance! Find the balance!
It's forgiven, Billy Bully Bully Billie
It's all right
O it's fine
And o if that's a pram I see a-coming,
then ah congratulations
Let's hope as the growing grows, we'll be able to handle
Find the balance!
Find the balance! Find the balance!
Once a serious case, twice a forgiven case
The Wanderings a-never ending,
The Wanderings a-never ceasing