Lyrics Bessie Smith

Bessie Smith

You've Got To Give Me Some

Written by S. Williams and recorded by Bessie in 1929.

Loving is the thing I crave

For your love I'll be your slave

You gotta give me some, yes give me some

Can't you hear me pleading, you gotta give me some

Said mister Jones to old butcher Pete,

I want a piece of your good old meat

You gotta give me some, oh give me some

I crave your round steak, you gotta give me some

Sweet as candy in a candy shop

Is just your sweet sweet lollypop

You gotta give me some, please give me some

I love all day suckers, you gotta give me some

To the milkman I heard Mary scream

Said she wanted a lots of cream

You gotta give me some, oh give me some

Catch it when you come sir, you gotta give me some

Hear my cryin' on my bended knees

If you wanna put my soul at ease

You gotta give me some, please give me some

Can't stand it any longer, you gotta give me some

Seeper called to Pele-Mele, sugar lump

Said I'm going crazy about your hump

You've got to give me some, please give me some

I can't wait eight days, you gotta give me some

Jaybird said to the peckerwood,

I like to peck like a pecker should

But give me some, yes give me some

I'm crazy about them worms, you've gotta give me some