Lyrics Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby

Chinatown, My Chinatown

When the town is fast a-sleep, and it's mid-night in the sky,

That's the time the fes-tive chink starts to wink his oth-er eye,

Starts to wink his dream-y eye, la-zi-ly you'll hear him sigh.

Strang-ers ta-king in the sights, pig-tails fly-ing here and there.

See that brok-en wall street sport, still thinks he's a mil-lion-aire.

Still thinks he's a mil-lion-aire, pipe dreams ban-ish ev-'ry care.

Chi-na-town, my chi-na-town

Where the lights are low,

Hearts that know no oth-er land,

Drift-ing to and fro.

Dream-y dream-y chi-na-town,

Al-mond eyes of brown,

Hearts seems light and life seems bright,

In dream-y chi-na-town