Who Was Around?

Who was around when the world was falling down?

Who turned away? Couldn't bother to be around this now

Who walked away when the game wasn't fun to play?

And my escape became my only game

Hand me over and hand me down

Get me out of your sight

No direction, my compass is broken

Where'd you leave me tonight?

I was a child, and now it seems so long ago

Why'd you abandon me? Maybe it's not for me to know

No explanation needed, nothing can change the way things went

You just weren't interested, I guess, I guess

Some days fine, others out of my mind

And the curse I curse is the worst it gets

I hold it inside as you sleep, as you hide from

The mess that you made of your life

(Who was around when you were hungry?

Who eased the pain of all your sadness?

Who played with you when you were lonely?

Who was around?)

What will your conscience say? Maybe you'll change the channel soon

Or simply hide it in the chest of drawers inside your room

Like old linoleum, battered and worn beyond repair

Go burn the whole house down, like anyone cares

Maybe in time, these indelible lines will

Fade like the hopes and the fears you denied

These feelings are gone, they've been buried along

With the rest of the mess that you made in your chest of drawers