Lyrics Bobbie Gentry

Bobbie Gentry

Casket Vignette

Here are some samples of the fabric, Miss Morgan

I know how painful it must be

But I guess it's your responsibility

I understand he was your fiancee

What a tragedy

Everybody wants to go to heaven, Miss Morgan

But nobody wants to die

Have you often wondered why

And why are your eyes so dry

It would help to cry

This is a popular, dusty-rose velvet Miss Morgan

Or how about a satin brocade

Guaranteed not to fade

Or maybe you'd prefer another shade

Trimmed in gold or silver braid

Would you like a lemonade

There's no ice, I'm afraid

You can rest assured you have our heartfelt sympathy

(You can use our easy payment plan)

(Two hundred now and fifty when you can)

(We wanted you to know we understand)

La, la ,la, la, la

You can take comfort in knowing, Miss Morgan

He's where we all want to be

Why are you laughing at me

Don't you believe in eternity