Lyrics Born of Osiris

Born of Osiris

∆eon III


lift from your informal lives

the sun will come to us to provide

as we form from the ashes

burn, reborn

this century will thrive

the divine mother of earth

showed us the way - gave us birth

provided us with reason

gave pure life clarity

but the truth of conception

lied in able man

so the age of the pleasant

fell from the mothers hand

a new generation born

resurrected as the sun

a new aeon has begun

surrender to the gods

as you flow through

the river of the sky

come forth and display

the proof of your innocences

to the judge of souls

will you pass to the judge of souls

the secret of death is revealed

complete emergence

into affirmation of the born less one

a new aeon has begun

the insight of man's word:

destroy the light, shade the earth

but our sun, resurrected

gives new life on this world