Miss Riddle

Hey Miss Riddle I'm stuck in the middle again

I don't know how but you've got me playing both ends

Of a game I should know all about

That you came and turned inside out

Hey Miss Riddle I'm stuck in the middle again

It's a long way home it's late and yet we pretend

It's a long way home when you call last night just friends

So cool so clear so nonchalant

So absolutely what I want

Hey hey Miss Riddle I'm stuck in the middle again

I've heard a lot of talk about how you were sizing me up

A line or two you dropped about but don't let me interrupt

Your game Miss Riddle I'm stuck in the middle again


I found out why those birds go looking for spring

I found out what those dizzy heights can bring

Because I've found your lips so awfully nice

One stop south of paradise

Whatcha say Miss Riddle

What say we do it again.. again.. again

Hey Miss Riddle I'm stuck in the middle again

I don't know how but you've got me playing both ends

Of a game I should know all about

That you came and turned inside out

Hey hey Miss Riddle I'm stuck in the middle.. again.. again

Whatcha say Miss Riddle I say we do it again

It's a long way home

Whatcha we stop it

Whatcha say we drop it

Whatcha say Miss Riddle

What say we do it again.. again.. again.. again