Sunny Gone

Crazy to remember that frozen winter

Snow-bound by a lovely face

The quiet grace soothed me

The dark wine, the warm gaze

An otherworldly spell conspired to amaze

But like those winter days it wasn't made to last forever

And Sunny gone that way

Wiled to remember Stockholm December

A drunken choir

The ancient fire cooled me

Suddenly the spark flew off into the dark and left me there

As if she never knew me

A dark smile on a grey page

Like some faded photograph that someone tossed away

Someone tossed away

The silence still amazes me and Sunny gone that way

You ignored my letters, ignored my calls

Till there was nobody left for you to ignore at all

The only thing there was you and your prayers

And your silence says it all

The choir sang, guitars played

Fallen angels all across our universe that way

Like the Milky Way, its beauty still amazes me

And Sunny gone that way