Those Lies

First time I saw you, you had that look in your eye

Don't play me cheap girl, cause you know I'm not shy

You always walkin' and you talkin' some stuff

I found out last night, well I had enough

You're always tryin' to tell me some lie

Don't know why you're always trying to tell a lie

I call you last night, on the phone

I left a message, after the tone

You sister told me, you'd be back soon

I saw you next day, in the afternoon

You're always tryin' to tell me your lies

I don't know why you're always trying to tell me some lie

First day you told me, your name was Elaine

Next day I found out, it really was Jane

You gonna teach me, water goes up hill

There ain't no greenback, on a dollar bill

Always gonna to try to sell me lies

Don't know why you're always trying to tell a lie

You got a lie on your lie

A trick on your trick

It's only in your own mind

That you get away slick

We saw you standing, at the scene of the crime

You tried to play it off, said you weren't there at the time

Whatever happens, to come from your lips

I'm only saying, that I won't trip

You're always gonna try to tell a lie

Don't know why you're always trying to tell some lie

I call last night again, on the phone

I left a message, after the tone

You sister told me, you had a bad cough

You're boss will hire you right back, you just got laid off

Always trying to tell me your lie

I don't know why you're always trying to sell me some lie

Don't know why you're always, sayin' something you don't really mean

Something extreme

It's always got to be your lies