
Jean Louis Dominic Pierre Bouchon,

True to the breed that that bore him,

Answered the call that held in thrall

His father's heart before him.

Jean Louis Dominic sailed away

Further than love could find him

Yet through the night he heard a light

And gentle voice behind him say

Matelot, Matelot where you go my thoughts go with you

Matelot, Matelot when you go down to the sea

As you gaze from afar on the evening star

Wherever you may roam

You'll remember the lights through the winter nights

That guides you safely home

Though you find womankind to be frail

One love cannot, fail my son, till our days are done

Matelot, oh Matelot where you go my thoughts go with you

Matelot, Matelot when you go down to the sea

When there's grief in sky and the waves fly high

My heart to you will say

You may be sure that I'm true to my love for you

Though half the world away

Never mind if you find other charms

Here within my arms you'll sleep, Sailor from the deep

Matelot, oh Matelot where you go my heart will follow

Matelot oh Matelot when you go down to the sea

When you go down to the sea