Memories For Sale

The ads in the paper,

The signs in the yard

This house ain't a home anymore

Gone are the lovers,

Who lived there in love

It's empty with memories,

Of all that love was

Three bedrooms, two stories,

But they won't reveal

The two separate feelings

Two people conceal

We gave that all up,

We sold everything

Down to our very last dream

But there's still memories for sale,

I've got no use for them,

Memories for sale

Their priceless to me,

But what I fear to lose

These memories for sale

The Mr and Mrs are single again

No longer lovers, not even friends

We outgrew each other,

We out lived our love

I'm empty with memories of all that love was

I've got memories for sale,

I've got no use for them

Memories for sale

Their priceless to me,

But what I fear to lose

These memories for sale

Memories for sale