One Teenager To Another

Kiss a guy, the kiss never ends.

Talk to lies to all of his friends

Boys will brag and not to their mother

One teenager to another

Date him twice, he's your steady date.

Boys act nice, but give you the gate

Talks around he's more than a brother

One teenager to another

Girls make small talk, over coke they chat

Boys make big talk mostly though their hair

Girls are kittin but who's the cat's meow

Men talk wild

Girls may flirt it's part of the game

Talk and hurt and give us a bad name,

Be a man stop big talking big brother

One teenager to another

One teenager to another

Girls make small talk, over coke they chat

Boys make big talk mostly though their hair

Girls are kittin but who's the cat's meow

Men talk wild

Girls may flirt it's part of the game

Talk and hurt and give us a bad name,

Be a man stop big talking big brother

One teenager to another