Ruby's Lounge

Ruby's lounge was none too clean

The lights never worked on the pinball machine

The sawdust floor hadn't been swept in years

Brass spittoons and padded stools

The same collection of half drunk fools

Joking with Ruby or cryin' in their beers

Ruby's Lounge had a neon sign

The big old ugly blinkin' kind

It said "Ruby's Lounge... Your Husband's Not Here"

And ten cents played a jukebox tune

Old songs like "Shine On Harvest Moon"

And six bits bought a pitcher of cold draft beer

Oh Ruby, Ruby, time has flown

And (look) how your little girl has grown

Ruby's Lounge seems oh so far away

But Ruby, you never stopped to rest

So your little girl could have the best

And I'll love you, mama, and Ruby's Lounge

Until my dyin' day

Now Ruby's Lounge had a clientele

They didn't dress, they didn't pay too well

But ev'ry night you could count on 'em

Droppin' in

An occasional fight or a dirty word

Wasn't nothin' that I hadn't heard

And I've never left safer anywhere I've been

When a man was down without a friend

Ruby always had a buck to lend

And she'd set him up

She'd say "Go on and drink one free"

While I washed mugs and I cleaned the bar

Oh I dreamed someday I'd be a big star

But Ruby's Lounge was home sweet home to me

Oh Ruby, Ruby, time has flown

And (look) how your little girl has grown

Ruby's Lounge seems oh so far away

But Ruby, you never stopped to rest

So your little girl could have the best

And I'll love you, mama, and Ruby's Lounge

Until my dyin' day

Oh Ruby, Ruby, how time has flown

Oh look how your little girl has grown

Ruby's Lounge seems oh so far away

Bur Ruby you never stopped to rest

And you sure gave your little girl the best

And I'll love you, mama, and Ruby's Lounge

Until my dyin' day...