The Angel And The Little Blue Bell

At Christmas time in the steeple high

The bells would proudly ring

To tell the world of the joy and cheer

That Christmas day would bring

But one little bell in the steeple high

Could only pain alone and cry

No matter hard he try and try

Poor little thing he couldn't ring at all

All the other bells in the steeple high

Saw all his lonely tears

And watched him tried his best to ring

Each Christmas through the years

But the little blue bell in the steeple tower

Just cry for Christmas pain to call

For like I said inspite of all

Poor little thing he couldn't ring at all

One Christmas eve in the steeple high

An angle did appear

She smiled and said to the little blue bell

I've come to dry yours tears and on that night

So the story's told, she changed the little blue bell

To the purest gold with the richest tone

To whole and whole proud little thing

Just hear him ring