Lyrics Bromheads Jacket

Bromheads Jacket


Cos it's the same old story of Friday night

But we've got nowhere to go

Do we brave it out in town with the rest of the city folk

Pushing at the bar, pushing at the bar

Or do we venture out, to somewhere new to pastures unseen

Somewhere where the city folk, have not yet been

Wait there, I need a cash machine

Cos now the local Options seems to have one and we're all warmed up

It's time for round two, and I know it's not my turn for

The queueing at the bar, queueing at the bar

Cos this girl is on at me about Neil Diamond, how he's fuckin top

Bout how Neil Diamond was a big infleunce on, Richard Ashcroft

But now I'm bored

And it must be my turn at the bar

Cos it's so mysterious how we just seem to queue and queue

Standing in single file like soldiers

Waiting to go into battle

The hole in the wall we have all come to pay homage to

Little green lights on the screen dictate to you just what you will do


And if you're gonna have fun, alright

This was only supposed to be

A few drinks at the local but now we've got a lock-in

I find myself getting in a taxi

And we've off for some more of this

Late night of fun

It's kicking out time

And the options are a BP garage or a 24 hour Spar

I've got the munchies

And it's a bad way to be

Especially when

All you've got in your pocket

Is a nugget and 24p

Cos it's so mysterious how we just seem to queue and queue

Standing in single file like soldiers

Waiting to go into battle

The hole in the wall we have all come to pay homage to

Little green lights on the screen dictate to you just what you will do


And if you're gonna get drunk, alright?

This whole thing has turned out to be a bad idea

Especially now the screen is telling me the funds are in arrears

I'm sure there was more in there than that.

Account enquiries

Show balance

Print mini-statement

Direct Debit to Orange PLC,

65 quid your overdraft limit that exceeds

Incurs a surchange of 20 English pounds, please.

I hate these cash machines