Lyrics Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Sainte-Marie

America the Beautiful

There were Choctaws in Alabama

Chippewas in St. Paul

Mississippi mud runs like a river in me

America - Oo she's like a mother to me

O beautiful for spacious skies

For amber waves of grain

For purple mountain majesty

Above the fruited plain

America, America

God shed his grace on thee

And crown thy good with brotherhood

from sea to shining sea

from sea to shining sea

There were cliff towns in Colorado

Pyramids in Illinois

Trade routes up and down the Mississippi River to see

America - Oo she's like a mother to me...

O beautiful for vision clear

that sees beyond the years

Thy night time sky

Our hopes that fly

undimmed by human tears

America, America

God shed His grace on thee

Til selfish gain no longer stain

the banner of the free

And crown thy good with brotherhood

from sea to shining sea

from sea to shining sea