Lyrics Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Babe in Arms

Here I sit, with a babe in arms

And another one here within

And where's my man?

Ah don't you know: he's drinkin', carousin', and livin' a life of sin

Once he courted me so fine

Oh why did I give in?

And where's he now?

Ah don't you know: he's drinkin', carousin', and livin' a life of sin

And were it not for my own breast

my baby'd die for sure

And where's my man?

Ah don't you know: he's drinkin', carousin', and livin' a life so poor

And were it not for this wee baby

Well, you know what I'd do

Ooh, to my fine man

Ah, don't you know: I'd shoot him and put an end to his life of sin

And here I sit, with a babe in arms

And another one here within

And where's my man?

Ah don't you know: he's drinkin', carousin', and livin' a life of sin