Tomorrow Never Came

My mood it reflects in the weather

Just at the dawn of daylight

I'm racing for home never more alone

I've been through one hell of a night

I remember when we got together

Never had two been more tight

When we became one, we gave birth to our son

Nothing could have been more right

And the leaves on the trees turned black

And the sun didn't rise and my world's foundation cracked

When all I loved died

Feeling total loss, kneeling at the cross l will hold you tight

When I meet you in the light eternal life we'll share

In a dream somewhere save me from despair

And you won't be there to meet me

And you won't be there to greet me

And you won't be by my side

You'll awake from death and find you in a light

That nearly blinds you and all the ones you loved

Are there with me

I spotted the home of Mrs. Watkins

Out from the chimney blew smoke

All that I'd done for my wife and my son

Of this nothing would be spoke

I gathered myself at the doorway

Approached and gave a gentle knock

I could not prepare for what was in there

Once again my world would be rocked

I waited for someone to answer

From inside there was not a sound

I opened the door what I was in for all of the family was found

There by the glow of the fire, I saw all the Watkins were dead

Close sat my son, God what had he done?

He looked towards me turning his head

And he said Daddy, Father, did you bring Mommy with you?

As you can see I'm very hungry

And these three people just won't do

How could he speak at just 36 weeks?

His voice had an inhuman tone

From his little frame black tentacles sprang

They had pierced the Watkins to the bone

Tomorrow never came

Elliot knew what he had to do to put a final end

To this madness he must take the life of his precious son

But were there yet others amongst the streets of London

Out there loose upon an unsuspecting world?